Friday, April 24, 2009

tyson turns one.

I guess you could say I'm one of Tyson's biggest fans. His big ole beautiful eyes, those never ending lashes, the fluffy curls that I wanna take a nap on, his fat little toes! Yes, I'm in love. Not only is he adorable, but he's a REALLY good baby.

This is the third time I've done a session with Tyson and it never fails- he is super easy to shoot. I kinda just follow him around, admiring and shooting wherever his curiosity may take him.

We went down to the Portugese Bend Club, which is a private beach in Palos Verdes. Not only was the weather PERFECT, but there wasn't a soul down there except us! The session lasted quite a while and Tyson never made a fuss. I guess by now he's getting used to associating me with a big camera in his face when I see him.

He's turning into a big boy (well not quite) on Wednesday- ONE whole year old. Time flies.... Next thing I know I'll be shooting HIS wedding!