On top of all that, I'm still trying to run my photography business and finish the final touches of my new website.
It's been hectic to say the least, and it doesn't help much that my hormones are ON FIRE right now. Oh joy.
Every woman understands my rants, but every woman who's been pregnant REALLY gets it.
Yes, I'm the girl that cries for absolutely no reason at all. I'm the girl that's in the shower and the tears start to flow and I have no idea why, and I'm so happy I'm in the shower because I can cry, in private, and when I get out and my husband asks if I'm ok, at least I can pretend it's not tears, but just water on my face from showering. Ya, I'm pregnant alright.
My husband thinks I'm a nut. I can totally see his point. But he's never had a baby growing in his tummy before so he soooo doesn't get it.
Between getting up too pee five or six or seven times a night, I CAN'T SLEEP. Because I'm thinking about burpies and binkies and babies and giving birth. I'm worrying about my water breaking and labor pains and what to pack for the hospital and how I'm gonna be as a new mommy.
All this is rushing through my head as my husband is peacefully snoozing next to me and I'm jealous. Jealous that he sleeps more than an hour at a time and jealous that his bladder is bigger than mine. I'm jealous he gets to be the hand holder during birth instead of physically pushing this baby out.
I'm excited and scared. Anxious and nervous. Hormonal and moody. But I'm also very very blessed. I have amazingly supportive family and friends. They're already fighting over who gets to babysit this little monkey once it's arrived.
Ok, I'll get back to work now... I just needed to vent.
Happy Thursday!
photo by Kelly Melissa Photography.