But as I walked into my garage yesterday, I spotted the most beautiful beginning bloom from our peach tree. The tree was still wet from last night's downpour, but the daintiest of white flowers were beginning to sprout. Although we've got a while until Spring plops itself on our doorsteps, it immediately made me smile and internally cry, "Photo Opp!"
The bloom represented not just the beginning changes of the season, but also the beginning of a new chapter in my life.
I'm starting to get a nice little baby bump, much to the disagreement of many of my family and friends. Talk to my old jeans about it. They'll vouch for me that we don't fit anymore. I feel the little pepper moving around, or at least tapping me a little, as if to say, "Hey you- I'm in here! Just a little reminder!"
I'm starting to go through decor magazines and get internet ideas for the baby's room. It's all becoming more and more clear. The morning sickness has subsided, and I feel pretty good!
Bring on Spring!